Chiropractic Physician
Equine & Small Animal Chiropractor
why chiropractic for dogs?

"How do I know if my dog needs
chiropractic care"?
difficulty rising from lying down, or
sitting to standing -
muscle stiffness or weakness
mobility and gait abnormalities
change in posture, ie. sitting on one
hip rather than squarely -
animals that have three legs
hit by a car or injured from a fall
bowel or bladder problems
digestive upsets and hot spots
issues with chewing or dropping
food or toys -
sensitivity to touch
Your veterinarian diagnosed your pet with:
• neck, back or disc problems
• arthritis
• soft tissue, muscle or ligament injury
OR, you just want to maintain a happy, healthy pet
Pet owners often see increased energy, reduced pain, or wagging tails after a few treatments. The comment
I love hearing the most is, "My pet is acting normally again"!
