Chiropractic Physician
Equine & Small Animal Chiropractor
My 7 year old mare Nova is pretty thrilled that we’ve established a relationship with Dr. Linda for equine chiropractic. She has found Nova to actually need an adjustment, but my mare would be just as happy to have the therapy regardless, as she finds it incredibly relaxing. Dr. Linda also happens to be a great “sharer” (of information) and I’ve picked up a number of techniques to do with Nova in between visits. Kind, gentle, professional and conscientious, we give Dr. Linda four hooves and two thumbs up! Happy horses make happy riders!

“Lily Lamb goes to doggie daycare and plays hard, as a result of which she comes home with back pain and stiffness in her hips. With regular chiropractic care she appears to feel so much better: She wags her tail more and has more obvious mobility. Thanks so much and thanks too, Dr. Linda Schneider, for making house calls. Lilly feels so much better after seeing Dr. Linda, and so does her human!”
“When our beloved terrier Hubble unexpectedly suffered a seizure a few weeks ago it was clear that his recovery would be slow. Though he began to recover function in his hind legs after a day or so, he remained depressed. He continued to hold his head stiffly at an odd angle, and to walk in a herky jerky manner. He was clearly uncomfortable and frightened (as was I). I called Dr. Schneider to see if there was anything she could do and she cleared her scheduled on short notice in order to see Hubble. Her calm demeanor and reassuring voice immediately put him at ease. As she worked on him, he relaxed under her firm, gentle touch - as though he clearly understood he was being helped. At the end of the session, Hubble

appeared more energetic and engaged in his surroundings. And in the days that followed, he became more and more himself. Today he is fully restored -- eating, running and bouncing around per usual. I believe Hubble's mobility and good spirits came back as quickly and completely as they have because he received Dr. Schneider's care soon after his seizure. Her expert work gave his body just the assist it needed to turn the corner. I am grateful to Dr. Schneider for her compassion, dedication and skill, and highly recommend her.”

"Shadow was very comfortable with Dr. Linda with the very first visit, and allowed her to do a thorough exam. She responded well to her adjustment, and seems much more relaxed with less discomfort in some problem areas. We are fortunate to have someone that can provide this type of quality care to our best friends."
One of our Stud Cats was very ill with an unusual infection in his lower spine, perhaps from an injury on his exercise wheel, and he was being treated with antibiotics by our veterinarian. Romeo could hardly walk and was losing the use of his hind legs. It was touch and go, until Dr Schneider adjusted Romeo. We saw a difference in how he walked immediately and within 24 hours, he took a huge turn for the better. Romeo is walking in his wheel for 2 mins, stepping out, then walking again… the difference is so wonderful. Thank you, Dr Schneider! “
— Santa Fe Bengal Cattery

Sparky is a huge husky/malamute mix. He has weighed over 100 pounds and has a very long torso and spine area. He injured his back in 2012 while hiking, requiring several chiropractic treatments (including laser therapy) from well-known animal chiropractor in Santa Fe. She recommended Dr. Linda when she was out of town last year for our old lab-mix, Tucker, who needed help. Recently Sparky, now 13 1/2, was suffering from a dislocated sacrum, muscles spasms in his spine area, and general pain and discomfort. He was holding his tail funny and wasn't running at all. After seeing Dr. Linda for an adjustment and laser-therapy, he has been much better. He's now running in the park every day (yesterday he had 2 runs) and his appetite is back to normal. We will continue to follow-up with Dr. Linda as he ages. She has improved his life so much.
Dr. Linda treated Tucker when he was 13 years old. He was a lab-mix with arthritic knees and was suffering from back spasms and nerve damage in his back legs. She was very kind and loving. She successfully treated him several times in the past year. She was able to adjust him and relax the spasms, easing the pain and allowing for better mobility. Since he didn't respond well to any arthritic drugs like Rimadyl (Carprofin), or Adequin and actually was getting worse, this therapy helped to extend his quality of life for almost a year. He was able to go on walks and "patrol" the back yard--right up until the very end.

"When I hurt my back this summer I couldn't play or go hiking at Lake Abiquiu. Dr. Linda was very helpful with advice over the phone before she'd even met me as well as helping me feel better after my first office visit. Dr. Linda was very gentle and caring and only did what I was comfortable with. Now I'm back to 100% and my daddy and I go hiking up at the Lake every day! Thank you Dr. Linda!" — Mika
My Dear Linda – You met Nansy and Sadie today! They are my dear friends, as Nansy told you. She just loved you and the way you were so tender and calm with Sadie, who can get pretty freaked out about things. Nansy was so impressed with your demeanor and kindness and how Sadie just settled down with your lovely easy way. Of course this comes as no surprise to me.

You know Linda, it's been about a year now since the Casper situation. One of my long lasting memories is how sweet you were with both of us and your continued
concern after you saw him and until and after he died. It's a very good memory. You couldn't have been more loving. Casper, I guess, is off in his next life adventure. Whatever that might be. In his demise, as I sat with him day after day, he taught me so much dying in kind of time-lapse video and how graceful he was with all of it. What a gift. Another teacher in all this confusion.
Love you, Mary

"Good Morning Dr. Linda. Just wanted to let you know that the lamb is perfect. His both hind legs are straight. The only problem I'm having now is telling them apart. You made my husband a believer in chiropractor care!! Hope your trip was restful. Thank you for everything. As soon as things slow down I'll call you to make an appointment for Cristobal. God Bless." — Geri
Dear Dr. Linda. It's been about 2 months since I brought my Whippet Carmel to you. She had lost control of her hind legs, probably due to another neck compression. After your treatment she was 50-60% better. I took her to an animal acupuncturist in Albuquerque. Not sure his needling helped much, but what did help was his B-12 injections into acupuncture points along her spine.
Since then, Carmel has recovered 98%. She runs in the yard & jumps in the house & is ecstatic to see me when I return home. She has resumed barking at dogs on the park in front of my house, thinking they are on her front lawn. Her appetite has improved a lot -- she asks for and consumes every meal (I think due to the B-12 shots). She hasn't gained any weight but is very energetic and happy.
I've had many Whippets and know their usual life span is 15 yrs. Only one of mine in the past has reached that. But Carmel will be 15 in May and shows few signs of age (her fur is more gray, less red

brindle). Her breeder-mom in Oklahoma recently told me that a female litter-mate of Carmel's is in the same good shape. I am so grateful for every week and month of health and happiness of my princess Carmel. (She just leaped onto the bed next to my study/office/computer station, pawed all the pillows around to her liking, and is looking at me wisely. I think she knows I am communicating with you.)
Thank you so much for the gentle caring and expert treatment you have given to my sweet Whippet girl three times now. Feel free to use any of my comments on your website. I am so grateful to have my beautiful furry critter with me every day and night, thanks to your superb care. The photo of Carmel when I received her 10 years ago is attached. Best to you. — Maya Sutton, Ph.D.